Monday, April 7, 2014

Prom Party Anyone?

In October of 2010 I got this crazy idea of starting a blog to hold myself accountable in a weight loss journey.  My mom, who never gets rid of anything, had dropped off some boxes of my stuff she had been saving.  In the boxes were pictures, memorabilia, useless junk, and my prom dresses.  I came to this crazy conclusion that if I lost enough weight I may actually fit into one of them. 
Two C-sections and 20 years later, that was a lofty goal! 

 I started and stopped a lot of diets in the past 3 1/2 years.  Somewhere along the way, writing about what wasn't working did not seem so much fun. Writing also does not come easy for me, so it seemed like a chore to write about juice cleansing, going gluten free, supplements, and so on...   

Then one year ago today I discovered Nutritional Cleansing.  Considering my history, I started with low expectations.  I did not measure or take pictures, why be disappointed when I would not have After shots.

I committed to 30 days and started learning about Nutritional Cleansing.  I also committed to giving up coffee for the 30 days which seemed easier than giving up alcohol (another requirement) and started planning my month. 

I was amazed at how great I felt from the start and never had coffee withdrawal.  I actually gained energy!  In my first 2 weeks I lost 10 pounds and was hooked!!!  I had never lost 10 pounds that easily.  So with my 40th Birthday quickly approaching I set a new goal for myself,  140 at 40. 

With a couple weeks to go I was now confident that I would hit my goal.  I did!  I also learned that sometimes the scale does not move, but inches can still be lost.  You can reshape your body with the right tools. 

After my birthday I decided on a new goal, which was actually going back to my old goal.  To fit into my prom dress.  I stuck with the program and soon weighed what I did my senior year of high school.  I kept trying on my dress, but it was still too small.  I came to the realization, that as we age our bodies change and my original goal was slightly ridiculous.  I feel great, my clothes are now a size 4, and I have successfully coached lots of people through the same program. 

Coaching people to a healthier lifestyle is now a passion.  I love helping people and feel like Nutritional Cleansing is a wonderful gift that I can share. Through my Cleanse Obsessed business I now create programs to help other reach their goals.

A couple weeks ago I had to get dressed up for a couple of events, While trying on dresses in my closet (most that were too big,) my husband said, I bet you your prom dress will fit.  So again, I took it from the back of the closet and tried it on.  And guess what, this time it fit!   I was shocked.

I never took Before photos when I started, but thanks to Mom and Nutritional Cleansing, I now have Before and After photos. 

I never thought I would actually post these but know from looking at so many similar photos that they can motivate others and show that goals can actually be accomplished. So on my one year anniversary of my new lifestyle I am actually posting a picture.

These pictures are taken almost 23 years apart.  My son likes my new one, he is not a fan of my hair in 1991.   I would agree, but everyone had hair like that at the prom in 1991.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brett you were beautiful in 1991(inside and out) but today you have grown into an amazing woman, wife, mother, devoted friend, respected business woman, volunteer and one who gives back to her community...... in addition to being the same Brett beautiful inside and out!
Truly unbelievable XXXXXXO