So in the past week and a half I have had Halloween, 2 business trips plus a couple days in New York to watch the NY Marathon. Congrats to my sister and some friends who ran great races. Watching thousands of people run over 26 miles in the freezing cold is definitely inspiring. While you are there, you really start to get motivated and wonder why you have never wanted to put a marathon on your bucket list. Then while running my 3 miles this morning my knee started to hurt, reality set in and I remember why I say I'd never do one. So if I'm not going to train for a marathon what am I going to do to turn this blog into a reality.
I started to do some research; what method is the best. I went through my library of books and found a total of 17 diet and exercise books. These were the ones I kept, and I'm pretty sure their have probably been more along the way. Their is always a latest fad or idea and I have probably tried most of the craziest ideas.
The Rotation Diet
The Zone
Total Fitness in 30 minutes a Week
Aerobics (1968)
The Aerobics way (1977)
The Abs Diet
The Hilton Head Metabolism Diet
The Fat Flush Plan
Fast Track One Day Detox
Lean Bodies
The Carbohydrates Addicts Diet
The Last Chance Diet
The Perfect Weight
Eating by Design
Portion Savvy
The South Beach Diet
Over the years I have read each one and probably followed it for a couple weeks or months. But eventually eating out, parties, kids and life get in the way of the perfect diet plan.
So the question still remains to be seen, what is the right plan and which one can you really turn into a lifestyle?
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